
Арабская исламская каллиграфия настенный художественный плакат печать холст картины домашний декор

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Original price was: $9.38.Current price is: $5.62.

Состояние товара : Новый
Brand : Unbranded
Type : Print Painting

Note: 1.The painting is not hand painted, it is printed by machine. 2.No white border default 3.The expected delivery date will be affected by customs, weather etc, sometimes it may take a little longer to receive,Please contact us when you have not received the package to extend your order protection time. 4.Color display may be slightly differ by monitor or mobile phone 5. we accept custom sizes and pictures, if you want, pls contact with us 6.It is the poster only,wooden frame is not included;


A, B


30x40cm no frame, 40x60cm no frame, 50x70cm no frame, 60x90cm no frame