Note: Unstretched and Unframed canvas. It will arrive to you securely rolled on a tube. These display images are not the actual oil paintings you will receive. After your payment has been cleared, we will start to paint them for you in oil paint on canvas. Since your art piece will be painted for you, it does take several weeks to paint and about two weeks to mail to you . This timeframe also depends on customs in both China and in your country. Please consider these factors carefully prior to your purchase.We try our best to satisfy our customers. Our merchandises are high quality and our company is always regarded as reliable and responsible one by our customers. We hope that we will cooperate with you in the future. If you have any question about my items, please E-mail us, We will reply you as soon as possible。 Size: 20″x24″ (inch) 1inch =2.54cm We can customize other handmade oil painting items. You only need to provide pictures.We can paint portraits, nudes, landscapes, seascapes, animals, abstract images, etc. Contact us for a quote . About the item: This is not a print, it is 100% hand painted oil painting on canvas. It is a high quality oil painting. A very good gift for yourself and someone specia. About Feedback: Thank you very much for purchasing from us. If you are satisfied with this transaction, we sincerely hope that you can leave us a positive comment and four 5-star Detailed Seller Ratings, which are of vital importance to us. If you are not satisfied in any regard, please tell us before you take any action so that we can work out the problems together.
Масло Винсент Ван Гог – портрет Трабука, обслуживающего персонала больницы Сен-Поль
Original price was: $61.39.$36.83Current price is: $36.83.