
Ultimate Weight Vests – Available in 10 or 20 lbs. + Purchase Add'l Weight!

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Original price was: $23.71.Current price is: $14.22.

Brand : Undisclosed

Ultimate Weight Vest / Uni-Vest The best total body training vest in the industry. Accommodates chest sizes up to 80 inches in circumference and allows for ample spacing between rib and hip area for uninterrupted movement. Stretchable Neoprene strapping system secures vest to the body while allowing for expansion to accommodate normal breathing patterns during exercise. Because of different body types, the vest comes in a short version and a long version. The short vest comes with 10 adjustable 1 lb weights (10 lbs) that are placed evenly around the body. Additional weight can be purchased to increase the vest up to 20 lbs. The long vest holds 20 – 1lb. weights (20 lbs) and can be adjusted to hold up to 76 – ½ lb weights (up to 40 lbs). Slips over the head and straps around the body to keep it from slipping side-to-side. Padded shoulders prevent chaffing.


Ultimate Weight Vest 10 lbs., Ultimate Weight Vest 20 lbs., Set of (5) 1 lb. weights