
SPI, S & T Mags; Conflict/SDC Conflict Mags, 3W, WARGAMER MAGS и F&M mags!!!

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Original price was: $22.00.Current price is: $13.20.

Состояние товара : Очень хорошее состояние

Ebay Commentary AFTER A HIATUS (LIFE Got in the Way for a while, a few years, but Who’s Counting?), we RETURN to sell Games, Toys, and Assorted Goodies!!!! [With Bonuses included!!!]) COME WITH US INTO THE WARGAMER ‘S SPACE-TIME MACHINE!!!! THE DESTINATION(S)? EARLY GAMER MAGAZINES THAT WERE NOT A.H.’s THE GENERAL OR SPI’s STRATEGY & TACTICS (THOUGH LATER IN THIS LISTING WE HAVE A FEW S&T s). . . FIRST UP: TRUE RARITIES FROM KEITH POULTER & THE GANG AT THE OL’ 3W!!! THESE ARE EARLY WARGAMER Magazines, with games!!! The Wargamer #15 , WITH its game, Drive on Damascus. The game is PUNCHED. The map, magazine, and game components are Very Good to Excellent!! The counters are in a small ziplock; the mag and components are in a big one! You, too, can relive and fight the 1941 Allied-Axis Dust-up in Syria! NEXT: The Wargamer # 18, WITH Birth of a Nation , Richard Berg’s War of Independence game!! Most of the counters are still in the counter-sheet, but some have fallen out; they are in strips. The game has never been played! (That’s what happens with a 42-year game that’s never been played(!) ) The magazine, the map, and the rules (NOT removed from the mag.) are in NM condition!! A GREAT OPPORTUNITY to complete your early, Wargamer Magazine collections!!! _______________ SECOND: FROM THE ORIGINAL SPI: A. STRATEGY & TACTICS MAGAZINE #35, WITH Year of the Rat — PUNCHED!! The components are Very Good to Excellent!! B. S&T # 85 , WITH Fighting Sail, PARTIALLY PUNCHED, in a zip-lock! The components are in Very Good to Excellent condition! C. S&T #86, WITH Cedar Mountain , PUNCHED!!! The Mag. and components are in Very Good to Excellent condition! The counters are PARTIALLY PUNCHED!! D. Panzergruppe Guderian, from S&T : game ONLY, NO Magazine! The game is in a zip-lock and COMPLETELY PUNCHED!! EXCELLENT, Players’ copies!! ____________________ THIRD: VERY RARE, NON-SPI, NON-A.H., AND NON- WARGAMER , magazines, from SDC/CONFLICT Magaines!!! A. CONFLICT # 4, WITH NORAD , PUNCHED!!! B. CONFLICT # 5 , WITH KHALKIN-GOL , PUNCHED!!! C. CONFLICT # 7, WITH RIFLE-MASKET , PUNCHED!!! D. AN ADDITIONAL COPY OF KHAKLIN-GOL , PUNCHED IN A ZIP-LOCK (no magazine)!!! ______________________ FOURTH: Miscellaneous Magazines: Fire & Movement #’s 50 (X2) & # 67, Wargamer , Volume 2, # 15, Schwerpunkt, PREMIER Issue(!) ; ______________________ FIFTH: GDW’s, MAYDAY , in a small bookcase box(!). . The game is PUNCHED, and the box and components are in Very Good to Excellent condition! ______________________ FINALLY: FROM A LEGEND GAME-DESIGNER, JOHN PRADOS, PENTAGON GAMES, published by Harper & Rowe, Publishers!!! THIS COPY IS NEAR MINT, AND UNCUT!!!! The copy is Autographed by the author!!! ____________________________ ALL THIS WONDERFUL STUFF, FOR ONE, LOW PRICE!!!! Please ask any questions, BEFORE Bidding/Purchase!! PLEASE CHECK OUT THE PICTURES!!! We try our best, but we cannot inventory every little counter(!) Items are Sold, AS IS. PLEASE CHECK OUT THE PHOTOS, BEFORE BIDDING. All Sales are Final. No Returns, but please be in touch, if there are problems; we want you to be pleased with your finds!!! HALF THE FUN’S IN The Hunt and Its Chase!!! DOMESTIC BUYER WILL PAY A FLAT RATE. INTERNATIONAL BUYER WILL PAY USPS INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING RATE.