Godzilla from the upcoming film “Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire” joins the “S.H. MonsterArts” action-figure series from Bandai! This figure was sculpted by Yuji Sakai, a master of Godzilla modeling, based on data from the film. His luminiscent dorsal fins and their distinctive patterns are reproduced with metallic coloring; a radiant heat ray effect part and a pair of interchangeable hands are included. In the box : Main figure Interchangeable hands (1 pair) Radiant heat ray effect Effect part joint Shipping : Free within the USA
SH MonsterArts Годзилла – Годзилла x Конг: Новая империя
$95.84 Original price was: $95.84.$57.50Current price is: $57.50.
Состояние товара : Новый
Type : default
Type : default
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