
Amethyst Ayurvedic Medicine Healing Bracelet: Stone of Purification

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Original price was: $13.86.Current price is: $8.31.

Type : Bracelet
Material : Stone
Style : Stretch
Main Stone : Amethyst
Brand : Crystal Allies

Amethyst heals diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract; heals cellular disorders, heals the digestive tract, treats hearing disorders, and heals skin conditions. More than 5000 years ago, Ayurvedic Medicine incorporated gems and minerals with herbs to restore balance in people with illnesses. Ayurveda or “Science of Life” derives from the Sanskrit words “ayus” meaning longevity and “veda” meaning related to knowledge or science. Being in harmony and balance with nature was the key to Ayurvedic Medicine and wearing or ingesting gemstones was used with other treatments to restore that balance in life. Because the composition of the human body is around 60% water, placing a healing gemstone on your body will send electromagnetic waves from the stone through the water in your body. All your water will succumb to the vibration level of the gemstones, saturating your systems with the healing current. This is life force energy that connects all things in the universe. You do not have to believe this to be true in order for this vibrational shift to occur.