
AMERICAN ARTIST April 1978 Harry Jackson Ann Leggett Shirley Clement

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Publication Year : 19780000
Publication Name : American Artist
Publication Month : April
Topic : Art & Photography
Publication Frequency : Monthly

American Artist Artist magazine of largest circulation. Artist profiles/interviews include multiple photos and reproductions over multiple pages, PLUS: Illustrations, technical features, columns, vintage ads and MORE –Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! Issue Date: April, 1978; Volume 42, Issue 429 IN THIS ISSUE:- This description copyright Edward D Peyton. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited. FRONT COVER: The Artist in Business, 1977, by John Patrick Reynolds, ink and watercolor, same size. Winner of American Artist Third Annual Student Art. THE ARTIST IN CONTROL OF HIS DESTINY: A CONVERSATION WITH HARRY JACKSON by Marjory Barbor. Dissatisfied with the returns he was getting from selling his work, Jackson, a well known Western sculptor, decided to establish a corporate business framework to manage his career. ANN LEGGETT: PASTELS REDISCOVERED by Doreen Mangan. Some people don’t use pastels at all, because they feel Degas invented the only fixative worth using, and his recipe is lost,” says this artist who has found her own method. MORANDI AND HIS SOLITARY VISION by John Maxwell. Few 20th century painters are so respected yet so little known as Giorgio Morandi (1890–1964). His unique paintings and prints are as private and mysterious as was the artist himself. THE WATERCOLOR PAGE: SHIRLEY CLEMENT. A variety of approaches is characteristic of this Florida painter, who often combines her watercolors with acrylic for strength. FOOTNOTES. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. ART BOOKS. ART MART. BULLETIN BOARD. PROFESSIONAL PAGE by Betty Chamberlain. FORUM: The GSA: America’s Largest Single Patron of the Arts by Hon. Jay Solomon. LOOKING AT PAINTINGS with Bernard Dunstan. TECHNICAL PAGE by Ralph Mayer. QUICK TIPS. SKETCH PAD by J. DeVelasco. EARLY SPRING ART BOOKS: A compilation of March and April releases as described by the publishers. SPECIAL BUSINESS SUPPLEMENT: THE NEW COPYRIGHT REVISION ACT by Diane Cochrane. The Copyright Revision Act of 1976 went into effect January 1978. How does this new Act affect the visual artist? MORAL RIGHTS AND THE ARTIST by Tad Crawford. Should the artist have a continuing interest in his work after its sale? What rights should an artist reserve? In Europe there are a number of such laws that protect the artist. Crawford, a lawyer, examines several bills before Congress. WASHINGTON ROUNDUP by Jill Wechsler. A complete wrap-up of the bills currently being presented to Congress and how they will affect the artist. SURVIVAL IN THE COMMERCIAL ART WORLD: PREPARING A PORTFOLIO by Thomas Sgouros. Can a practicing artist work in the commercial art world without compromising his or her integrity? The Chairman of the illustration department at the Rhode Island School of Design, whose work has appeared as illustrations, says, “Yes”. SHOULD YOU BE A WHOLESALER? by Calvin J. Goodman. The last ten years have shown a healthy increase in markets for fine art work. What are they? And what methods can you use to develop them in your area?. TAX DEDUCTIONS AND THE NEW TAX BILL by Tad Crawford. What to do about deductions for a home office: an expanded explanation. This description copyright Edward D Peyton. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited. Magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD +++ condition. (See photo)